


(Day 792) Things are about to change

Winds of Shit are coming boys! Let the World Hear You! – http://www.raidcall.com ++ T-SHIRTS AND STUFF – http://northernlife.spreadshirt.com/ ++ FACEBOOK: ht…


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  1. nickdillon91 says:

    All the best Adam!

  2. TeamHeavyHitters13 says:

    I know it isn’t my place to say anything but getting it out of the way now would stop you from having to explain it later on after you got a billion questions from people. I also hope everything works out for ya bud =)

  3. TheCorkyCory says:

    sorry man…

  4. Tha Scarecro says:

    Hes just mad that no one wants to watch his vlogs. Keep hatin.

  5. Ridge97 says:

    I just now seen this because I am so behind on my vid watching. I said that like it was some kind of job..LOL..Man all I can say is sorry. We all go thru crap in our life but it all happens for a reason..Sorry this happened but like ya said different wants and needs and best thing to do is go. There are sure worse things can happen but it’s never easy. Much luck to ya bud.

  6. Nate Higgerz says:

    Pologize.  U sept?

  7. IRJohny says:

    Ohh ok,now I understand, I had made the assumption that she may not aprove of you having any type of relations with another woman & that hinsmight go sour for ya. keep your chin up & all the best bro…

  8. JerryBeatFreak says:

    The way she goes I guess….Btw, Been all busy with life and shit. And haven’t been watching your vids for a loooong time. Gonna see if I can catch up. Frigg sakes!

  9. EliteFragz says:

    Hey Adam, I hope your okay bud, You seemed upset but thats normal for something like this, It took a lot of courage too tell the world about your Life problems/Changes, Soo look after yourself, Atleast you broke up on Good terms and not bad! Hang in there bud!
    P.s.. I think everyone should get a grip about leaving harsh comments!.

  10. DippinDave89 says:

    back in october of 2012 me and my woman broke up, u probably remember that. but on march 13, 2013 i texted her to see how she was doing and we started talking, well we both noticed that we missed each other and we still had love for each other so we got back together, sometimes brother all it takes sometimes is just a break, yeah it is heart breaking but sometimes u gotta do it.

  11. r0adkill24 says:

    sorry to hear bro, hope you’re ok and make sure to get trashed! lol

  12. Nate Higgerz says:

    Allrighty… pologize. U sept?

  13. VlogginLife says:

    honestly…its none of your business bud. I already did more then I should have in telling anyone.

  14. VlogginLife says:

    The reason you don’t know “The Girlfriends” name is because she asked me not to mention it to anyone. The reason I gave redneck nessa a shout out was because I like her content, same reason I give anyone a shout out.

  15. IRJohny says:

    Right from the first time I heard you mention Redneck Nessa in one of your videos, I knew this day was coming, I`ve been watching for a couple years now & don`t even know “The Girlfriends“ name…

  16. AVIBobcat08 says:

    @VlogginLife hope your not pissed at me here i know the truth and honestly you did what was best for you ya know.

  17. AVIBobcat08 says:

    @Nate Higgerz your the dink here..

  18. AVIBobcat08 says:

    @Nate Higgerz he saw no future with her. its better to do it before it got more serious. honestly i wish i wouldve done that in my previous relationship. why be a jerk about it?

  19. Nate Higgerz says:

    Why did you break up with her?

  20. VlogginLife says:

    I texted her to make sure she was going to be awake when I got home from work because I wanted to talk…she already knew what was coming. Why the fuck am I even wasting time defending myself to a youtuber I have no idea…like your opinion of me means anything anyway.

  21. Nate Higgerz says:

    He texted her to break-up. What a dink.

  22. jdog1049 says:

    Shirty man sorry to hear

  23. Chad B says:

    Sorry to hear the bad news Adam. I hope everything works out for the both of you.

  24. Chad B says:

    Jealousy is getting the best of you. You can’t stand vlogginlifes videos yet here you are commenting on one. Ironic? Get a life asshole!

  25. Lamar Augusthy says:

    Love the vids stay strong bud

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