


99 Problems But Mitt Ain’t One (Obama Rally)

GET THE SONG ON iTUNES!!!! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/99-problems-barack-obama-spoof/id539667383?i=539667697&uo=4 CLICK to share of FACEBOOK! http://bi…
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. devon walker says:

    now, let me be clear…. lol

  2. DMParker43 says:

    Nigs will be nigs, this isn’t suprising

  3. Shawndra Higgins says:

    you’re so sweet….I hope he’s paying you for this at least. *big sigh*

  4. Boone Bryant says:

    walk softly and carry a Louisville slugger. what a beast

  5. cooleojordan50 says:

    no 2012 this was mad in June 30 2012

  6. Dzidra Zupa says:

    you ment it’s 2013 !

  7. ahmadevans1217 says:

    Awesome song

  8. nek escobedo says:


  9. ZanesABawse says:

    Alphacat, what are you gonna do after Obama’s term is up? Btw i love your vids.

  10. Covell Coleman says:

    so ready i wish i could press fast forward lol wow

  11. 1994whitecracker says:

    This is the shit!

  12. Rex Fibonacci says:

    Like the red tie

  13. Eric Riso says:

    @Alphacat just wanted to let you know you happen to be the shit

  14. Malcolm Young says:

    Idk if you’re still doing Obama spoof songs, but I think a good one would be Champion by Clement Marfo & The Frontline

  15. shawnbo0819 says:

    Fuck u he was given the job while we were in a crisis hes not perfect obamas good

  16. GabrielSparkletits says:

    Meh. 2/10.

  17. iwasboredokthaty says:

    We have 99 problems all thanks to Obama

  18. lundyn howard says:

    i seen your comment on another video.

  19. robby griffin says:

    Hell,yall will just kill Mitt,lol I meant he will kill his self.lmao

  20. youn0917mm says:

    He did a Gangnam Style one already.

  21. PetMexican69 says:

    i’ll be honest. i fuckin hate obama but that video was funny. and i would like to see you do Gangnam Style or Harlem Shake v

  22. Randcraft Butter says:

    the govt is a lie someone impeach him already because he is stupid and he is not a citizen

  23. Randcraft Butter says:

    you are gay obama

  24. DJFrostee PTG says:

    imma let you in on a secret. Politicians dont fucking care about us :) 

  25. Mark Herrick says:

    you should the grammar. haha

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