


Forwarding Ports on Thomson Router

Finally got it on HD. If you have questions, please post them here. If you don’t know the user name and password, set username as “administrator” without quotes and you can find the password under the router. Look for “modem access code”. If you cannot watch the video, I created 10 easy steps: 1. Open router’s homepage. 2. Open Toolbox. 3. Go to game and application sharing. 4. Create a new application. 5. Enter name for the program and select Manual entry of port maps. 6. Select the port you need (for SA:MP Server it’s 7777). 7. Click “Add”. Now you have to assign them to your computer. 8. Click on Assign a game or application device. 9. Select the program you have just created and device should be your PC. 10. Start your server!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Karl Legson says:


  2. oliver attard says:

    Th problem that I have Is that I have no Tool Box

  3. Kristian Rodriguez says:

    What does checking the log box do?

  4. nakkiel7 says:

    very helpful, thanks!

  5. ZeroRotasionEmpire says:

    The port configuration of the game or application conflicts with an already assigned game & application. Assigning this game or application is not possible.

  6. Eesti Minecrafterid says:

    mis ruuter sul muidu on mul 784

  7. Paulo Campino says:

    that didnt work for me :( 

  8. Joh Thu says:

    what should i write: 192.168.??? then?

  9. adam haqiem says:


  10. adam haqiem says:

    how to port forward samp

  11. F3ARGALAXY says:


  12. F3ARGALAXY says:


  13. zarithevill says:

    I just turn my router off then turn it back on (Swift off the power then turn it back up). It works now :)

  14. door2danger says:

    me too….. did you resolve it if soo pleae share!!!!

  15. Htrs10 says:

    fucking eestlane

  16. Rudolf Tammekivi says:

    Juhtus niimodi jah :D .

  17. MrMortenPaul says:

    Wow, sa eestlane ? :D

  18. TheAvailable2477 says:

    think you have to connect it by cable not wifi

  19. zarithevill says:

    The port configuration of the game or application conflicts with an already assigned game & application. Assigning this game or application is not possible.

    I’m getting this problem but I don’t have any ports assigned.

  20. superXphos says:

    see ütleb et ple turvaline sait

  21. AgentStarskY says:

    Username on tavaliselt Administrator. Ja passwordi saad ruuteri alt, vaata MODEM ACCESS CODE.

    Username: Administrator
    Password: vaata ruuteri alt MODEM ACCESS CODE

  22. medione16 says:

    mul ei võta seda pw ja usename omaks ei jutu lihtsalt midagi viskab uuest selle kasti ette kuhu peab need pw ja username panema

  23. guide442 says:

    What about the new Thomson router website? I don’t see a toolbox..

  24. mustvalge1 says:

    Aidake veits,saate subscribi selle eest,nimelt panen addressiks selle default gateway nii kõik läheb ilusti tuleb see tabel ette ,panen kasutajanimeks ilusti Administrator ja parooliks panin Modem Access Code ,kõik on täiesti õige ,kirjutasin kõik õieti mingit viga ei ole ja lihtsalt ei löö mind ruuteri leheküljele :( tüdinenud juba sellest jamast ,keegi aitab,saab subi vastu kah :)

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