


Birther evidence GOES POSTAL!

Could the claims of a retired postman bring down the Obama presidency? Time will tell…but the Internet is buzzing over the newest revelations of WND.com Columnist Jerome Corsi. In fact, Corsi’s tell-all account of sworn testimony provided to a blue-ribbon investigative panel has earned the already popular website an Alexa.com readership ranking of number five in the world! The story is both shocking, and compelling. In it, Corsi recounts the deposition of retired postal carrier Allen Hulton, given to the “Cold Case Posse” empowered by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. Hulton claims he delivered mail routinely during the late ’80s and through the early ’90s to the Glen Ellyn, Illinois, home of Thomas and Mary Ayers, the parents of known Weatherman Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. According to Hulton, one day, while walking his mail route in Chicago suburban Glen Ellyn, he became engaged in a conversation with Mary Ayers, who enthusiastically told him about a young, foreign exchange student that they were helping through Harvard. The name struck Hulton as being highly unusual with African overtones. But the story does not end there. Fast forward to one year later, when Hulton says he met the young man described by Mary Ayers on the sidewalk outside her home. He was in his early ’20s, a polite, light-complected black man, tall and thin, with protruding ears and no foreign accent. He said he had come to visit the Ayers family and thank them for supporting him
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. TBird4490 says:

    Aren’t you people even embarrassed of being birthers…..? Shit..

  2. PatrickTheWriter says:

    Sheriff Joe didn’t prove anything. That’s another birther lie.

  3. PatrickTheWriter says:

    That’s because Alexandra Hill never admitted it was forged. That’s just another birther lie.

  4. 99riverron says:

    Will it bring down fakabama? No, because people in the U.S have been cowed into PC correctness and don’t have the backbone to get to the truth about this issue and a whole bunch of others. If the forged birth certificate( which HIS LAWYER ADMITTED was FORGED) didn’t even cause a real stir then what makes us think this will be any different?

  5. TKDMike58 says:

    Lets all remember on this Memorial Day that BIRTHERS ARE UN-AMERICAN assholes and that VETERANS HATE THE BIRTHERS

  6. gottagoat says:

    Nothing you just said has anything to do with the fact that Obamas birth certificate is fake, proved by head sherriff of Arizona and his possy. Also his SSI card is fake, and what about the fact that hes destroying America, just signed another executive order, on the third, to go along with all the other fucked up ones, this one will be his empeachment ,Thank God, so if you like Obama then your a traitor to

  7. 57statespearlharbour says:

    who cares at this point, find me 1 mexican born after 1961 in this country with no paperwork whatsoever I bet you their a better american citizen that he is.
    he had to be told not to wear a baseball cap inside the court
    Class action

  8. SEEPRICE says:


    alright alright mr. DoFly its time to settle down and take your medicine. first the blue pill, now the yellow, now swallow with a bit of water, very good. now you go to sleep but first, we are going to put you in this Jacket so you you wont get cold or hurt yourself…

  9. Nancy Bakos says:

    @SEEPRICE, DON’T CHECKOUT these sites or this information at your own loss This info goes back to your buddy BUSH! And, BUSH Sr. as well YOU, see we’ve been fooled! ALL OF US by them stealing trillions of our hard earned money. Their is an old saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink!” Also, do you know Bill Ayers/Bernadine Dohrn former Weather Underground are now known as Communist Party USA????

  10. SEEPRICE says:

    Im not going to check out ANY sites. simply because I have no faith in any person who starts calling any US president fascist or Commie, Socialist, Warmonger etc. especially since most of the time the name caller does not even know what a communist or fascist is.
    be it Republican, democrat, libertarian, Constitutionalist etc. words like Fascist and Commie come from extremist and I have no use for extremist

  11. Nancy Bakos says:

    @SEEPRICE 2ND site- African Press International(API) africanpress.me/2012/03/09/president-obama-will-be-forced-by-circumstances-to-apologise-genuine birth-certificate-surfaces-americans-have-been-led-to-believe-otherwise-revelation-to-change-the-political-landscape/ Dr Lavender is going public (2nd doc white hats report) who left Kenya 2008 afraid for his personal safety There’s alot at “play” here that you are unaware of due to our media being forced to stand down and not expose corruptio

  12. Nancy Bakos says:

    @SEEPRICE, obviously alot of people have been silenced or their information was suppressed for the attained goal of the commie fascist takeover. Believe me, THIS has nothing to do with RACE! TRUTH isn’t always “nice,” and sometimes TRUTH does hurt! I have 2 sights you need to checkout/then you can complain. THE WHITE HATS REPORT tdarkcabal/blogspot/com BC of the potus on their (2nd doc) inline.

  13. SEEPRICE says:

    “Why would this postal service person lie?”
    why did Lucas Smith lie?
    if the post man is telling the truth, that means the HI powers that be lied
    why did two governors lie? lindle and ambercrombie
    why did two Dir of Health lie? fuddy and janice okubo
    why did the Registrar lie? alvin Onaka
    none of those officials are under the jurisdiction of the Fed. so Obama would hold no power over them
    I think this Post man is full of crap. everything he says is Hearsay
    why is he just coming out 4 years later?

  14. Nancy Bakos says:

    Why would this postal service person lie? There would be records he delivered mail to this address for the time mentioned. And you liberal democrat commie fascists can’t deny that. As far as the OBOTS are concerned-it’s all scripted comments meant to disinform and insult people who have been exposed to the truth. If you are unaware of the OBOTS-go to liveleak/com in search enter fogbow or obot. Watch the videos-it explains in detail their intended goals.

  15. SEEPRICE says:

    WND has very rarely been accurate. WND usually asks a bunch of questions with overtones for the reader to agree with them
    to show the INaccuracy, WND said that the short form appeared to be valid 3 years ago then went back at a later date and said that it was inconclusive. bunch of Hacks

  16. Lou Soots says:

    see see si si senorieta

  17. specguests says:

    Perhaps but WND.com has been extremely accurate since 1997.

  18. Gordon Jenkins says:

    I can’t help but think that is a set up by the Obama Administration. The Obama/Ayers picture that was posted earlier proved to be a fake. If this also proves to be false then this would discredit any future information that could link Obama and Ayers together.

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