


How Thomas P Dore and M&T Bank run Maryland Courts and Foreclosure.

mortgagemovies.blogspot.com How M&T Bank & foreclosure mill attorney Thomas P. Dore run Maryland Courts. mortgagemovies.blogspot.com … AND YOU MUST READ… christopher-king.blogspot.com ….. NEW YORK, July 9 /PRNewswire/ — Did M & T Bank defraud the government out of millions of Housing and Urban Development dollars? That is the question in a whistle blower lawsuit brought against the upstate New York-based bank in the US District Court–Eastern District Court of NY (Civil Action No. CV-05-2498). …Case was dirty as hell, no hearing granted in the qui tam action, massive attorney fees assessed against Plaintiff then the case settled after Plaintiff sent Notice of Appeal. Court protecting dirt, I saw it when I was Federally licensed as well. A couple of fake cops in Maryland show up to harass a homeowner while trying to lay down the law and get caught on video. They are so stupid they try to play legal with the homeowner but don’t even know that State v. Anthony Graber proves it is legal to publicly video anyone who claims to be LE.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Christopher King says:

    21 Dec. 2012 — Last Day of the World for you and New movie coming up just in time:

    Foreclosure mill attorney Thomas P. Dore nailed on ethics by Baltimore Judge Justin King

    ….. But you already knew this was coming, that’s why you started writing in, you like lackey. Get off your knees and grow a pair and get off of Dore’s for a minute won’t you. Hahahaha…. LOL punk.

  2. beatbankfraud says:

    king when you get back will get with you on the troll who has been spamming the video. I contacted google to get his identity. will coordinate resources. catch up when you can. didn’t want to waste time dealing with this but monkey boy didn’t want to stop spamming and defamatory comments then continue to do it anonymously like the little prick that they are. Will be interesting to see the nexus and who they put up to this.. shows how desperate and pathetic they really are.

  3. Christopher King says:

    Don’t need an abacus. Plus did you see his channel with his two random videos and two subscribers? I’ve got to the point where I can smell them like shit near a Clydesdale.


  4. beatbankfraud says:

    King, notice no activity on this video for the last 10 months. Then when I go after wanker Dore, Cantrell, Dyson, Menapace, Miles, Devan, Haskins, Jay Day, Day Home Team LLC,, Shannon Posner, DHTREO LLC, and their wanker co-conspirators, 4 of those cowards ducking service of process, wanker sheriff trying to get protective order to duck my discovery requests, then out of the clear blue air comes this will asswipe running his mouth trying to bait you like a 6 yr old. You adding things up?

  5. beatbankfraud says:

    King, let the little puss coward run his mouth, have the IP tracker to unmask pooled IP addresses in the cloud as well. he’ll be outed like the wankers at the DLLR who ran their mouths and got outed. They are dropping like flies. I think Cantrell moved out of his house. Just made the 4th attorney ducking service of process….. run baby run..

  6. Christopher King says:

    Don’t worry it’s just a COINTELPRO troll.

  7. beatbankfraud says:

    Funny guy- 4 attorneys are now ducking my service of process, one Realtor is ducking my service of process, one attorney moved from the house where I served him the past 2 yrs and the Asst MD AG representing the Sheriff is trying to get a “protective order” so the pu…. don’t have to answer the discovery I’ve been seeking since June 2009. Again, dumbo, stay out of things you don’t understand.

  8. beatbankfraud says:

    so who is WTFSOB? out yourself first and maybe you are worth engaging. I’m that “idiot” trying to make money off Adsense. The 1st Amend is not meant to be fair or kind. Too bad your IQ doesn’t allow you to comprehend the significance of this public record recording. If you understood what you just watched, you wouldn’t smart off. Stick to lighting your farts on fire and leave the heavy lifting to the adults. Troll. yeah dumbo, that’s me Todd Wetzelberger. You’re lucky 1st amend protects you.

  9. Christopher King says:

    Mr. Two subscribers LOL bitch.

  10. Christopher King says:

    Nah, you are just an Internet ass clown and your time is done here. I have worked with people using goddamn Bloomberg terminals to try to fight this corruption and all you do is show up and shit talk so you can pretty much kiss my ass.

  11. TheWTFSOB says:

    yes im a government plant. im with the department of shitty video’s. you must pay a fine of 1 billion pennies for making horrible videos that have no point to them. and you must pay a wasting the public’s time tax of 95%

  12. Christopher King says:

    And oh BTW this very man was being investigated by the State and right after we made this video and took my cameras inside (we weren’t allowed to video inside) the State tucked its tail and ran away like a puppy that peed itself, so put that in your pipe and smoke it

  13. Christopher King says:

    Man you dumb ass I run Mortgage Movies and I help people in need, usually out of my own pocket I don’t make money off of Google ad sense I have a few — very few videos even signed up for that shit.

    I have testified before the NH House Committee on Redress and Grievances and I don’t need any benefit of the doubt from you that’s for sure, you might as well be a government plant.

  14. TheWTFSOB says:

    so i watched this vid just to give you the benefit of the doubt. but this vid is even worse. you dont show anything of any importance. seems like you are just trying to make money from ad sense off the backs of people who got defrauded by the banks

  15. Christopher King says:

    Well ultimately the crooks have many friends in high places:
    Cut paste Google:


    First Circuit Rhode Island Judge John J. McConnell halts foreclosures while Kelly Ayotte & NH GOP and Judges give banks open season on innocent homeowners.

  16. PeacefulWeapon says:

    absolute corruption is afloat my brethren, know this; the crooks are very afraid.

  17. FraudFixer says:

    2 white trash PsOS
    Let the dog loose on that rotten wench

  18. Christopher King says:

    Spread this one:

    Terrified faces at robo-signature foreclosure mill Fein Such Kahn & Shepard pt.1

  19. 1775novten says:

    Maybe Terry should ride along next time - he wouldn’t hesitate to give them an f-u sandwich, haha.

  20. Christopher King says:


  21. ArrestAJudgeKit says:

    Then stop being a whiny fool and do something other than trying to be the uniformed critic and the slave-driver boss. Get in line and follow the example set by people far more intelligent than you.

  22. AceOfHeart2012 says:

    Good luck with that… I’d like MY money back.

  23. 1775novten says:

    haha, I was waiting for you to shout “shut the f*ck up and get out of my frame”. But then I realized that you’re a little classier than that – maybe next time.

  24. 1775novten says:

    So true!

  25. Christopher King says:

    Respond to this video…
    Plus cinematically I liked the frame of the yellow trees over his left shoulder more than just a building background. I always want some nature in my frames, it helps blunt the ugly nature of the subject matter just a scoonch.


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