


Zday 2010 “Social Pathology” Lecture, by Peter Joseph

Join our Mailing List: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Zday 2010 “Social Pathology” Lecture, by Peter Joseph. Sold out event for 1000 people in NYC, March 2011 Note: please excuse audio problems.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. mrfaithandphysics says:

    Indeed you are. We do whatever interests us. “do for a living” no longer has much meaning when everything is provided. There is scene in Star Trek Next Gen that explains this pretty well (using replicators – advanced 3-D printers). When you are “making a living” what you are doing is passing your productivity onto the “employer” who passes it to “stockholders” and THEY make you work WAY more that is needed – so they can get so rich off our labors. And think of more ways for us to serve them.

  2. Louis Victor says:

    Yes you are missing a few. The ending is rather hushed, but he still touches those points. I recommend watching again, specially the final 20 min. And specially the 5th point of his proposal (presented in those 20 min, btw). Not saying you will agree with it or not after watching, just pointing out what you missed from his talk.

  3. xXZ31t6esTXx says:

    peter joseph..thank you…i have said this too many times but what u´ve done is beyond description. Thank u

  4. spiehole says:

    If 60% of labor is gone due to automation, what do we do for a living? I think I’m missing a concept…

  5. srki80 says:

    I think you should go back and learn SU history. If you did, you’d know that there was no Communism in SU. In fact, right now I doubt you even know what Communism is.

  6. alk utub says:

    The Purpose Of Life 1 (Part 1 of 3) – Khalid Yasin Lecture

    search it on Youtube


  7. bruno nascimento says:

    thank you for the vid

  8. nistyboy32 says:

    Your cognitive dissonance won’t work here. sorry =)

  9. nistyboy32 says:

    only 8000 views? you’ll have to excuse me…I’m going to cry myself to sleep!

  10. Digitaizen says:

    @zzz43452: You don’t know what you are talking about. I lived under both, Socialistic & Capitalistic, regimes and from experience can tell you and all who care to listen that both are authoritarian and thus corrupt all the way to/from the core! PJ is absolutely right when he says that TRUE economy and well-being should be measured not in GDP and the like but in numbers showing the well-being of the people. You can’t fix this paradigm because the foundation of it is division & conquer concept.

  11. lllCockroachlll says:

    If you were to investigate more about the Venus Project, you will realize it’s not like communism at all. Communism and socialism have money and social inequality, the Venus Project wants to go beyond that; it wants a world with abundance of resources for everyone in order to eliminate crimes, corruption, government, distorted values, etc. Also, I don’t remember this lecture mentioning ‘politeconomy’ or ‘scientific communism’, I don’t know how did you come up with these terms out of nowhere.

  12. zzz43452 says:

    Pretty populistic bullshit.
    Ideas spoken like «brain is hardware,ppl are programmers» is retelling of socialistic bullshit like «social being determines consciousness». In this case:genetics and nature determines it much more.
    Whole lecture consists of «politeconomy»and«scientific communism» theories.In short«why it is bullshit?»—this two disciplines were basis of Soviet Union ideology.
    In long—go learn SU history. About its economic«prosperity»,living standards and freedoms of a simple citizen.

  13. regardez329 says:

    tes vidéo son pas bonnes

  14. Jazen Valencia says:

    That’s the deal if you want to try to wake people up. People don’t get brainwashed in 1 day, and they don’t get unbrainwashed in a day. Go watch Alex Jones, That poor bastard is due for a heart attack.

  15. Jazen Valencia says:

    moving up the financial food chain. Low paying job to higher paying job, due to education, financial equality, etc

  16. cb3tech says:

    We need an undeniable catalyst for change. The only way to for someone to act is to be informed and to understand. How can the informed share the information to the majority that does not care to be informed?

  17. Corey Wiley says:

    I’m glad he repeats this stuff, because in repetition of ideas, not only do more people hear the message,and have more opportunity to get it it in their heads (I myself am slow learner)but one can find new ways of articulating the information and maybe even branch out into new ideas from the originals!

  18. lllCockroachlll says:

    0:51:11 mmm I’m just curious but… how can you measure social mobility?

  19. petepassion says:

    This stuff is spot on, but you see why it’s difficult to get it into the mainstream…….don’t ever give up though

  20. John Fontenot says:

    I certainly appreciate Peter’s work, but man, he’s got to be sick and tired of saying the same things over and over. So many people have never heard of this information. It must be a daunting task.

  21. speedfingers1234 says:

    15+ million views for MOVING FORWARD and only 3.6k for this video. The lessons are the same. The only difference is there is no music. A lot of sheople went back to sleep.

    Thumbs this.

  22. 8messa says:

    I can’t believe he used the word “pronunciated”. He um, meant: “pronounced”.

  23. lenarita1 says:

    could this just be summed up by the domination of society, culture and all institutions by psychopathy? ie., pathocracy?

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