


Postal Crisis Portland Hearing, brief

Over a hundred people crowd into the Augustana Lutheran Church in NE Portland, Oregon to hear testimony from customers, mailers, and postal employees. Speakers reveal a postal crisis: deteriorating customer service, substandard working conditions, threatened post office closures, and financial debt. Notwithstanding the doom and gloom, many of those at the microphone bring forward ideas for positive change. After listening to testimony from over twenty speakers and after several rounds of questions by the panel, the Workers Rights Board issues recommendations to the assembly, including a pledge to meet with US Postal Service management to 1. urge that the USPS restore customer service and improve working conditions by fully staffing Portland-area postal facilities through hiring of career letter carriers and clerks, especially from the ranks of existing transitional employees and the unemployed. 2. communicate with Portland’s Congressional delegation and the President their desire to see a swift fix to the USPS accounting problems.
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  1. Crocker Jocker says:

    Watch the Postal Wife here on youtube and share, please. We’re all in this together.

  2. Pamela Pugh says:

    Thanks for this clip. The problem why Portland has so much unemployment of at least 24% is that no one at the Unemployment office gives a darn about your situation. Because they are state they can almost keep their jobs and how would they even have a clue as to what is wrong since they have a job. I quit going over there because they do not give a damn and complain every day about how they are getting 800 people a day over there at Willow Creek on 185th. I hate what has happened here.!!!!!!

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