


Do NOT Forward This Email/Text/Status ”Durood Shareef”

Full Lecture by Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari: www.youtube.com The Prophet (salla’Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “It is enough to render a man a liar that he relates everything he hears.” Narrated by Muslim “Do not tell lies about me, for whoever tells lies about me will enter Hell.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari Chain Letters: www.islamicawakening.com ‘Send this Letter to 13 Friends!’: www.islamicawakening.com


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  1. Johnny Blaze says:

    hahahahah this nigga don’t play

  2. MrAsad1230 says:

    That email is ridiculous. Abu Mussab pointed out some valid points, because these type of emails actually do go around.

  3. realytruemuslim says:

    Names of 16 Arab Muslim is Israeli Knesset:

    Afu Agbania; Hamad Amar, Mohd. Barakeh was Deputy Speaker of Knesset; Ahmed Dabbah; Taleb Al Sana; Masud Ghnaim; Ayoob Kara also was the Deputy Speaker; Raleb Majid Ali; Said Nafa; Ibrahim Sarsur; Shachiv Shnaan; Ahmed Tbi; MajaAli Wahabi; Jamal Zahalka; Mrs. Haneen Zoabi;, Akram Hassan & one Christian Arab Hana Sweid. Total 17

  4. sweetieiman says:

    i know this is not from the topic of the video but, i have been searching some recitation of the Qur’an of this sheikh… i really love his recitation can anyone help me please… jazakallahu khairan…

  5. MrShazzyMan says:

    Twisting words again I see Mr Shaykh? More reasons guys like this aren’t getting anywhere in life.

  6. shariq135 says:

    ya Rasullah madad is shirk
    Ya Ali madad is shirk
    it is kufr to call Syedna Muhammad as mushkil kusha and hajit rawa because Quran rejects it.

  7. ExileKhaan says:


  8. gengisemporium says:

    my brother you need to try a sounder approach. I am being constructive in my observation here when i say that it is too obvious just how little knowledge you have.

    You use all the right words, but in all the wrong contexts.
    This is dangerous because you will ‘enlighten’ the viewer, but really distort the message and intention of the Prophet (saw) in this Din.

    Your reflection is one of self righteousness, disrespect and resentment for others muslim or non.

  9. 570YaRasoolAllah632 says:


  10. memyselfandipod says:

    that ayat is actually a changed bible quote

  11. Irshad Khan says:

    Salfi stupid known when they talk everybody understand how stupid they are saying other kafir did mohammad SAWS did this follow Tariq jamil he never give bad words to any one so compare who use street language.

  12. HallakBoy says:

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Can anyone tell me which ayaat he’s quoting in the end of the video?

  13. ahsanrana69 says:

    As salatu wa salamu ‘alayka ya sayyiduna ya HabibLlah ya RasulLlah (salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. boxermaf says:

    mashallah im not a salafi but he hits the nail on the head perfectly this time! one has to wonder where these emails/tets originate from with made up hadith kudsi and quran quotations

  15. smuk1900 says:

    VERY URGENT — Babar Ahmad was beaten up by the British police when he was arrested and they abused Islam and Allah whilst he was being detained. He is the longest detained without trial British citizen, now in his eighth year behind bars fighting against extradition to the US. We need 100,000 signatures by 10/11/11 and Parliament will debate putting Babar on trial in the UK where he is more likely to get a fair trial. Visit freebabarahmad website for the link. Please spread.

  16. alithelin1234 says:

    recent meaning begining of this year lol

  17. alithelin1234 says:

    alot of batil in it…

  18. alithelin1234 says:

    akhi habibi watch this video…. its a recent video of his he gave on news… subhanallah look at the batil in it h t t p://w w w.alarabiya.n e t/articles/2011/09/29/169277.html

  19. mohditqan says:

    I dont know why people are not able to understand what he is saying. He is implying the words of quran and hadith are not to be taken lightly so you can approximate their meaning or fabricate them. Why do people prefer reading yousuf ali translation of quran (english) instead of just going to anyone who knows arabic and english (be it a non-muslim) and asking him to translate it for you? thats coz you want something that is very very close to accuracy.

  20. Salar Ashour says:

    hahaha you just seendid the messenge to 3363 people out there hhahahahha so those 93 % is not corect ahaha

  21. whatazhar says:


  22. Muidstube says:

    Well said. Some people are simply obsessed with three words and do its dhikr all the time – “SHIRK” “BIDDAH”  “KAFIR”…. like as if there is nothing else among Muslims and only these wahhabis are right! LOL

  23. jasperkabbani says:

    Q’ol kibbeh, teta! t’abourneh habibti!

  24. WeBorn2DieAnyTime says:

    As Salaam aleykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
    masha Allah
    Jazaka Allah kheiran for sharing
    wasakaanm aleykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

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