


14 Yr Old American Deported to Colombia by Mistake

A 14 year old Dallas teenager was arrested in Houston, Texas and then deported mistakenly to Colombia. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss this giant mistake by ICE officials. Source: www.rawstory.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Download the politics or entertainment hour of this TYT episode: goo.gl Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com


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  1. Jorge Roberts says:

    Anyone tried the Monezilax System (do a search on google)? I’ve heard many great things about it and my cooworker earn tons of money with it.

  2. bukowskighostify says:

    Too bad we can’t deport all bush monkeys to Colombia!

  3. BabyZ12321 says:

    how did she survive?

  4. callowaymotorcompany says:

    Sorry, but colombia sucks

  5. 2girl1boy1108 says:

    Iike it

  6. AlfredSmith72105a says:

    Anyone tried the Monezilax System (do a search on google)? I’ve heard many great things about it and my cooworker earn tons of money with it.

  7. Earl Park says:

    Its still surprises me, how lot of people are not aware about Monezilax System (just google it), even though a lot of people make large sums of money online because of this system. Thanks to my work buddy who told me about Monezilax System, I’ve start making some BIG Cash from the internet.

  8. elektrokuma says:

    hmm. she runs away from home because she has problems. then, she steals money. and to top it off she gives the cops a fake name. not a smart thing to do when youre 14. granted, these officers are just as moronic, but there really isnt a victim in this story – except maybe the person who lost their money. at least her stay in colombia is gonna show her how fucking unimportant her problems were.. id call this a blessing. good for her. im sure you wont hear her complain anymore..

  9. anonimatox123 says:

    what if i told you that there are a lot of black colombians?

  10. iamadiehardtwihard says:

    <3 sweet butter muffins

  11. William Ridley says:

    Guys, make money online doesn’t have to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a tutorial called Monezilax System (do a google search). Seriously, I have earned lots of money with it. I probably shouldn’t even be talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  12. alex loaiza says:

    How stupid this man and woman are. Colombia has an issue with deug trafficking. What does that girl have to do with that? And there are many people who speak english in Colombia. Please tell me how did she live 1 year over there ? You need to think and investigate before making such stupid comments

  13. alex loaiza says:

    @Sithmastur your fucking wrong. First of all it is Colombia and not Columbia. Second, Colombians arent drug addicts. They produce the drugs and americans use them.

  14. YoungBrave2006 says:

    Part of the fault lies with Colombia, too. They shoud have refused to take her.

  15. nikkijaneallison says:

    I thought this only happens in movies.

  16. sayonarasuicide says:

    if that was me I would have been screaming like hell in the airplane to let me off before deporting me to a shithole like Colombia… a country full of drugs, men rape women constantly sometimes in public because the cops are useless and prostitutes roam the streets like ants. You live in fear all the time.
    I tell them to drop me off to India better.

  17. SujanTheClaw says:

    Couldn’t she find a phone in Colombia? 

  18. sithmastur says:


  19. MrAdfoz42 says:

    Well this is pathetic.

  20. olemoseraun says:

    is it just me, or is they’r attempt to be funny not working for them at all?

    (bad spelling, i’m from denmark)

  21. tyejones43068 says:

    Um.. don’t run away from home

  22. jahnessa quintero says:

    It’s funny how so many people are oblivious to the fact that there are lots of black people all over Colombia. On the drug traffic stuff that you see on the news all the time. It’s the news! Of course that’s all that will make it on the headlines. I just came back from Colombia recently visiting and not once was i fearing for my life. The people are so friendly and it’s a beautiful country.

  23. tkzubaran says:

    There is a lot of black people in Colombia

  24. cruzere120 says:

    the sound man voted for Rick Santorum

  25. NextLevelEnt1 says:


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    VOTE OBAMA 2012

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