


Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass: Virtual Conversation

The US Department of Agriculture holds an event to discuss a new digital report detailing USDA support for local and regional food projects. March 5, 2012.


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  1. Josephdaz1 says:

    I’m not embarrassed at all .. you’re saying that we now control genetically altered foods .. genetically altered or modified is clearly not the same as hybrids or cross species. Why are you wasting time on old news? Have you fallen behind .. seems so in more ways than one. Have a great day and hope that you don’t get sprayed with chemtrails.

  2. Salladsdressing says:

    A hybrid of two plants is a genetically modified version! The difference is that when you mix two plants the genes mix randomly and but when they create GMO’s they isolate the genes they want from one plant putting it into another plant. That’s why it’s more safe and controlled then mixing things at random.

  3. Salladsdressing says:

    read the last sentence of my statement again….Now! Get embarrassed by your comment.

  4. memama2 says:

    Mean Team Obama want’s to REGULATE DUST!!! ..to further destroy any farming that Al Gore and Van Jones do not own. (they will be exempt with their Obama approved AlGore9000 Government issued farm eco-con-EEquiptments)

  5. GOD719 says:

    This is because they have a bill to screw people from growing food. They arrested one farmer that was supplying food to his community and put him in PRISON for 3 years. I’m almost done with this tyrannical government. Obama just passed a bill to have 30,000 drones fly over the U.S to spy on U.S citizens. Are you serious?! He also Passed the NDAA and ACTA.

  6. rayek4eq says:

    Ugh, Windows XP? Linux will hook up to that HDTV… Just sayin.

  7. Greg Jalbert says:

    James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change: youtube . com/watch?v=fWInyaMWBY8 — Big Oil and Coal are corrupting the public’s understanding of climate science: Koch Industries: Still Fueling Climate Denial (2011 Update): greenpeace . org/kochindustries — CASE STUDY: Dr. Willie Soon, a Career Fueled by Big Oil and Coal: bit . ly/kdl5ao — Investigate and prosecute climate criminals: Exxon Exposed (by Union of Concerned Scientists) : bit . ly/9BiKgt

  8. Greg Jalbert says:

    Bombshell: You Can’t Slow Projected Warming With Gas, You Need ‘Rapid & Massive Deployment’ of Zero-Carbon Power: thinkprogress . org/romm/2012/03/01/428764/ddr­op-in-warming-requires-rapid-m­assive-deployment039-of-zero-c­arbon-power-not-gas/ — ClimateProgress . org is a VERY useful news source on the climate crisis, energy economics, political corruption & the pseudo-skeptic climate science denier polluter mafia. Study the science. Many in Congress & corporate media are corrupt.

  9. ermo mejremic says:

    KONY 2012

  10. Destroymaster100 says:

    VEGA 2012

  11. adamhim1234 says:


  12. memama2 says:

    Yer “farmer” is Michelle barry, and her “whitehouse tomatoes” cost $18 mill each. Yer fired.

  13. loveuforever567 says:

    KONY 2012

  14. LYinKansas says:

    Farming is the greatest job any one man could ever have. If ‘the kings a dick’ is a good enough reason to declare independence from Britian, then private farms being muscled out is more than enough reason to stop this nonsense.

  15. Angel Rocha says:

    KONY 2O12

  16. metalmatthias says:

    How about you get rid of monsanto you deceitful vile wretches.

  17. Sounds4theInfowar says:

    Why don’t you work on stopping the corporate domination and exploitation of small farmers by Monsanto?

    O’wait they probably gave you millions of dollars of campaign contributions… Scum!

  18. wodrummerworld says:

    Well , I made it 2 min. into this and still don’t know what it’s about exactly. I will keep watching. Looks more interesting than those regular press conferences

  19. jandean61 says:

    Obama 2012 !

  20. TheDailyConversation says:

    Great presentation. Thank you! Could you add the link to the KYF2 site and geospacial compass?

  21. RevolutionNewsDotUS2 says:

    I’m RACIST for criticizing Obama 卐 (NDAA)
    TERRORIST because I’m not with Bush 卐 (GHW, Prescott)
    ANTI-SEMETIC for not supporting Israel 卐 (Zionists)
    TRUTHER for asking unanswered questions ✈ ▌▌
    DRUGGIE for using pot as medicine
    TEABAGGER for supporting the Constitution
    TRAITOR for whistleblowing on my corrupt govt
    CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts
    TROLL for posting news, videos, quotes and U.S. atrocities
    ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution like Ron Paul

  22. RevolutionNewsDotUS2 says:

    Top 20 卐 Americans live under a dictatorship:
    1. Assassinating Americans 2. Aiding Terrorism 3. Bypassing Congress 4. Controlled Media 5. Criminal Banking Cartel 6. Drug Dealing 7. Gun Running 8. Illegal Searches 9. Illegal Wiretaps 10. Illegal Wars 11. Kidnapping 12. Life In Prison After Acquittal 13. Obstructing Justice 14. Police State 15. Slave Labor 16. Torture 17. Uranium Weapons 18. War Crimes 19. War Profiteering 20. War on Organic Food & Drugs

  23. theylive1984rm says:

    your are correct cross species creates Hybrids not GMO

  24. theylive1984rm says:

    the only reason there is a farm crisis is the big mega Corps like Monsanto an general mill ect:
    worked with the banks to loan money to family farmers so they could compete. then they manipulated the prices so they could not pay back the loans .

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