


How To Redirect E-mail From Outlook To Gmail or Hotmail

Watch more Email, Instant, and Text Messaging videos: www.howcast.com Subscribe to Howcast’s YouTube Channel – howc.st Redirect e-mail from Outlook to Gmail or Hotmail following these steps. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: howc.st Subscribe to Howcast’s other YouTube Channels: Howcast Health Channel – howc.st Howcast Video Games Channel – howc.st Howcast Tech Channel – howc.st Howcast Food Channel – howc.st Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel – howc.st Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel – howc.st Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel – howc.st Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more. Step 1: Open Tools in Outlook Open Outlook and select Tools from the menu bar. Choose Rules and Alerts from the drop-down menu. Step 2: Click New Rule Click the New Rule button in the pop-up window. Select Start From a Blank Rule at the top of the Rules Wizard pop-up window. Choose the option “Check messages when they arrive” under the Step 1 heading, and click Next. Step 3: Check "through the specified account" Check the box next to “through the specified account


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  1. MixtifedMike says:

    I have Outlook 2003, and it does show the e-mails are being fowarded to my gmail account, but the e-mails do not show up. Is there a certain place to look in the server to see why this isn’t going thru? Any help is appreciated.

  2. Rob greene says:

    In Outlook 2010, I see a Forward option but no redirect option. The difference is that Forward will send to my gmail as if I sent it from my personal email account (forwarded). All mail sent to Gmail will look as if it was sent from me, not the original sender. Redirect, if it existed, would push the emails to Google and in gmail it would appear to have been sent from the original sender.

  3. Zhonghua Shen says:

    This is not “Redirect”, this is “forward”.

  4. TheMisterNiggles says:

    If I “redirect” to Gmail, will a copy still stay in my Outlook as well?

  5. MurphySports1 says:

    perfect, thanks

  6. MrAminKhokhar says:

    can i do this for yahoo too??

  7. TheBlitzhead says:

    thank you this was exactly what i needed

  8. gogg0 says:

    The “did you know” question is realy idiotic!
    Let say the the pope before him lived in the 70s.
    Was the internet used by masses back then?!
    So why should he have a e-mail adress, to be contacted by the CIA or what?!?!

  9. SuperTer100 says:


  10. APSPFC says:


  11. Xbox360videos141 says:

    Now that’s helpful :) 

  12. theeqanqstuhyani says:

    second good enough??

  13. yoyodominos says:

    not the idiot who says first

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