


Create HTML Email-Send Using Outlook .mp4

See the full tutorial @ www.edhart.me This is the fifth part of a multiple part tutorial series on creating HTML emails from a pre-designed document. Many firms that rely on marketing have a similar scenario: The marketing staff has created various marketing pieces that work great as print pieces, but when they want to do some customized e-mail marketing, the effort boils down to sending attached PDF documents or using template based subscription services. In this quick wrap up session for Outlook users, we embed the HTML in a new email using the “Insert As Text” function. Easy, yes, but it can be tricky if you don’t know where to look for the function. For a more detailed version of this tutorial, visit my blog at www.edhart.me If you find this tutorial helpful, please post a comment or share using Facebook, Twitter or whatever way you prefer and thanks for taking some of your time to watch this video!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Ed Hart says:

    @FLMelodies Ha! It’s so old you wouldn’t want it :)

  2. FLMelodies says:

    Sell your Mac? :) 

  3. FLMelodies says:

    Finally a good tutorial. Thanks alot!

  4. Bojan Bo says:

    SEARCH FOR easylistbuildingquick (.) com ON GOOGLE !

  5. Ed Hart says:

    Sorry for the late reply… I’m not familiar with Mac Outlook so I’ll have to find a copy and poke around a little. If you use Mac Mail, it’s really easy, just open your HTML file in Safari and select File>Mail Contents of this Page. That will open a Mac Mail e-mail message formatted and ready to send. That method might work with your Mac Outlook as well.

  6. MadeByKC says:

    It doesn’t work. I use Mac pro and Mac outlook. When I attached file.html. It didn’t show “insert as text”. What should I do?

  7. ZumbaMyWorkout says:

    Thanks for the tip. It worked!

  8. febmaskine says:

    Perfectly simple:)

  9. turistuazo says:

    Simple and easy, just the wat it should be!!! thanks!!!

  10. skateyuk says:

    I’m trying to do this and it inserts the html ok, but doesnt show it correctly. However I’m using inline CSS so will I have to use tables to get the look I want, or is there a way of ensuring CSS will work as expected?

  11. 7beers says:

    This video was exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  12. mariam88able says:

    it doesn’t work what can i do ???

  13. Chris Mac says:

    I tried saving to Picasa’s picture sharing website, but the html code it provided me was immediately rejected by Dreamweaver.

    The problem I have with saving it to a public site is I am developing it for someone else. They have a small homemade webpage that doesn’t have the capacity, either. I thought there was someone online that gave you a url address for pictures downloads but I can’t locate it.

    If you have any ideas, I’d be grateful. Either way – LOVE your tutorials!

  14. Ed Hart says:

    @chris4mojobo Also, you need the exact path for your image in your HTML file. With that path, the recipient of your e-mail can view the image. The path tells their computer where the image is. You can check that the path is correct by typing it into your browser and if you see the image pull up. If it does, great. If not, you have the path wrong.

  15. Ed Hart says:

    You need to save the images to your web server. That’s not exactly the same thing as saving them to a “web page.” For example, if you’re using a website system like WordPress and you save an image there, the image is actually uploaded to a webserver and saved in a folder somewhere.

  16. Chris Mac says:

    I would like to ask one question – - – (it’s a strange one) – - – If I were to save the images to a page on my website, and the person who was sending the email had a different website, would the email still link to the hyperlink and would the slices/images be ok?

  17. Chris Mac says:

    I want to thank you for your thoroughness and clarity explaining the entire series of events that lead up to a successful email. I am bookmarking your site, as well.

  18. Maine Prince says:

    this would be great but how do I get the html for the document that I want to insert into the email? Any advice?

  19. Ed Hart says:

    Yes, you will need to upload the images to your webserver. The specific path will depend on your webserver or web-hosting provider. But you are correct that if the path is not right, then the images will not display.

  20. timelapseguru says:

    nice tutorial, but u didn’t show us where u uploaded the images you sliced from the jpeg. supposedly you have to upload in to your host server with the absolute path, right? or else the images you sliced will not show up.

  21. thejacenxpress says:

    I say this because Outlook 2011 only has “Choose” not “insert as”

  22. thejacenxpress says:

    I had a lot of trouble with this but found an easy solution. Take a few mins to download Thunderbird, tie it into your gmail account (or whatever account), on the insert pull down you can select HTML, good to go! (Continue to forward the email around as needed)

  23. Kate Ramirez says:

    back to yahoomail again using outlook 2010. any work around for my situation?

  24. Kate Ramirez says:

    hi. i would just like to ask, i almost have the same situation as NichiBeiTrader, but my problem is that when I send my page to yahoo (havent traied Gmail), it is not rendered at all. only plain text and links. not even the images nor the tables. i think its some way how outlook sends it because in the yahoo account that i have tested, it can receive html newsletter properly. i viewed that newsletter in the webbrowser, and tried to send it using outlook, then it becomes jumbled up when sending

  25. ramunature says:

    very good and very helpful.. thank you so much.

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