


Send email from excel using VBA

Send email from excel using VBA. Peter Kirklewski, Senior VBA programmer. tel: 0048787950948 in EU or 0013157794406 in NY.
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  1. Makattack707 says:

    I love the simple way you explained, wow Thanks for the info, and your time..10 stars

  2. zinedinezidanezizou says:

    Same doubt here.
    Maybe the guy won`t see this, but can anyone else help us, please?

  3. fallencmd says:

    Nice Video, killer accent ! :)
    Is it possible that instead of a file being attached it would display the content of some cells within the workbook on the email? Thanks

  4. Abdeen2012 says:

    i have a little problem here, every time it gives me compile error : label not defined and highlight on Public Function sendemail()

  5. Yaniv Ofer says:

    thank you for your time creating this helper!

    Is there any option that you will upload a guide how to send rows from excel via Gmail or Outlook?
    every time I push the button I want that to send rows that I choose to email address that I enter.

  6. mytubeslb says:

    will it work if in the ebody i make a paste of eg a range selected and copied from excel? or does the ebody only allows for strings?

  7. ITBroom says:

    This is a nice clear video. You demonstrate the structure well enough that I can see how I can use the variables to send different worksheets to different people. Thanks for this!

  8. MoaZZam Muzzammil says:

    I am trying to do the same thing with word but the email software I like to launch is IBM Lotus Notes after clicking the Send email button. How can I modify the program in this tutorial to launch Lotus notes?

  9. thecorn92 says:

    I fucking Love you, you dont know how long iv been trying to this!!!!

  10. purenrg4life says:

    Thank you!

  11. danielkhemri says:

    Could it be possible to have the email to send to be the properties of an inputbox? And if so, how could one go about doing so? Thank you in advance!

    Fantastic tutorial!

  12. carlosmedinajr says:

    How would you add mulitple command boxes with the same email function. I want to create an excel sheet that works a work flow routing form.

  13. FreeExcelFormulas says:

    it turns out, Excel can do that, it looks like I have much to learn

  14. RandyKelly19 says:

    I got 2007; Originally it worked now it says function not defined pointing to Public Function sendmail()

    Any suggestions?

  15. vnb10kke says:

     I tried in Excel 2003,It is not working,

  16. Wolf Peddinghaus says:

    Pretty cool! If you have any more excel/vba tutorials with email functionality, keep ‘em coming! Thanks!

  17. sabryluv says:

    Send by this code, some .doc or .xls document?

  18. nagileon says:

    What kind of document ?

  19. sabryluv says:

    Can we do that with all kind of document? For me, it’s only work with .csv file! Is it normal?

  20. kingdavid3 says:

    Your English is not rubbish..you really can communicate it to newbies like me great…Fantastic piece of tutorial!

  21. Felipe Cardoso says:

    Very Nice!!!

  22. Panta2324 says:

    nice tutorial:)

  23. csibond says:

    great tutorial… hope you could make a lot of tutorials..thanks a lot…

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