


Zeitgeist Moves Forward with Big Impact Worldwide

Download This Video: zackcovell.com | Zeitgeist Moving Forward is going to continue to expose the connection between the monetary aspects of surviving with sustainability as the main focus in society. Though this process of evolving to a sustainable culture will offend many people who conform to older ideologies about how to live correctly and wisely, in the end we will make a few significant jumps in technology and accounting for natural processes that inherently effect the livelihood of humans on Earth. The RELEASE of Zeitgeist Moving Forward will be Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 via torrent files FREE to everyone to view. I will update this box with the direct downloads for every aspect of the new film when it’s available. UPDATE: New Zeitgeist here: www.youtube.com “LIKE” this video and save it to your Favorites…come back here next week and I’ll have updated the box for you to download the movie Zeitgeist Moving Forward in HD quality to your computer…then show it to your friends and family. For the doubters out there: Is the Zeitgeist Movement Communism / Socialism? zackcovell.com Who is Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement? www.youtube.com The Zeitgeist Movement — Where are we going [HD] Multilang zackcovell.com The New Children Sacred Activism with Severn Cullis-Suzuki 1992 Earth Summit Speech zackcovell.com How Money is Created, Destroyed, and Refashioned for Banks | Zeitgeist Addendum zackcovell.com


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  1. cesarcdx says:

    Psychology. What a vulgarity.

  2. No2TZM says:





  3. YksiSuomalainen says:

    In that system what would prevent people from just being lazy and living off the system without contributing anything to it ? What about if those people had a lot more children than the contributors ? It would eventually collapse the whole system.

    Also what about the people who would want to develop their own dream society totally separate from your dream society ?

  4. lomelivero says:

    totalmente de acuerdo contigo , saludos

  5. aTrulyPowerfulSpirit says:

    Zeitgeist Theme, that’s it. I’ve heard some 3 versions of it on the web.

  6. ringospictures says:

    Zeitgeist is nothing more than new age Communism, with a cult-like twist.

  7. Neodimyth says:

    Он будет. Даже если все будут против этой системы.

  8. IdaSputum says:

    SEE links on my channel text or see links under vid, - ‘Zeitgeist=SHITEHEIST..”

  9. benandreas369 says:

    LOL. Prove it.

  10. 2oldstyle55 says:

    He has a lot of imagination, he’s a rock musician.

  11. robZzdaboss says:

    Vote Ron Paul 2012! YOU DEMOCRATS, INDEPENDENTS and THIRD PARTY make sure to register as Republican in order to vote for him in the primaries. WE NEED ENOUGH VOTES TO NOMINATE HIM! In some States you can only vote for your party during the primaries. Spread the word!

  12. MrCascaroncio says:

    @covellz anybody know hoy is called the song on 2:18??

  13. baconpoptarts says:

    Wow, lots of strong comments, bout 18:00 mins in makes sense to all that not only not listen to the ideas of REAL change, but will angrily reject them. I want peace for you all.

  14. baconpoptarts says:

    Nice job here, you pretty much nailed my favorite parts of ” who is Peter Joseph” and iv’e been tellin’ people that I took ‘the red pill’ for the better part of four years now lol, VERY cool piece here. I’m in fact a member by the way…. much love and respect to all that think that we could ALL do better for ourselfs and each other. “In a perfect world”…….. Right?

  15. parisfaith says:

    the end was so nice.

  16. IdaSputum says:

    Blackbird I’ve scince learned tht Rothschild is funding Zeitgeist – and USING the defenseless corpses of Carlin & Russo to promote & give credibilty to their BANKER enslavemet trap, when Russo & Carkin HATED everything they stood for. What a disgusting abuse & psy-op

  17. blackbird69xxx says:

    Shame more people are not of like mind !  :)

  18. blackbird69xxx says:

    Cant believe so many Zombies falling for this bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. blackbird69xxx says:

    @TheManInBlackChannel ~ Well its obvious you have been brainwashed and believe all this Zeitgeist nonsense. I doubt Bill hicks and George Carlin would have approved ! Its New world order propaganda nonsense for people like yourself who need something to hold,feel,love, believe in! Its funded by The UN and its leaving a nasty taste in my mouth and mind. Its taking us further away from spirituality and nature, wake up u ZOMBIE!!!

  20. n1nj4zz says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. The ending brought a tear to my eye.

  21. Play671 says:

    This world is mad, and some minds make mad, and they don’t know what is true from lie, so they blame the TVP and TZM. What i can say more? What can the guys o are agaisnt the TVP and TZM can say more? They only speack without fixed proves. They only blame. What we need to do with that people?


    doesnt matter where or who this movement has come from could be buttfuck nowhere someone has to be intelligent enough to figure anything out whatever it be, your a part of the problem definately no solution!!

  23. blackbird69xxx says:

    Poor lil sheep need to be herded and given another option, wake up for fcuks sake and smell the coffee,Zeitgeist is funded and promoted by the UN !!!!!!!

  24. IdaSputum says:

    If it makes you able to cope better by being in denial, by taking a patronising stance, refusing to face FACTS given, or to look at links offered & TRUTH told, then that’s your prerogative. There’s no ‘deep seek’ here, it’s all obviously ‘in your face’ !
    I’ve become a CLEAR honest person, who wishes the best for this world, and I know that it’d serve nobody if I were to put my head in the sand. Goodbye

  25. cmccarreiro says:

    I wrote a comment to you a few days ago, and I don’t think you listened so I’ll write it again – Go for facts. Forget about Peter-Joseph for now. Ask yourself what makes sense to you. Forget about me too. Just sit there quietly and investigate that which you are, what you’ve come to be. Watch Deep Seek to get an idea. Deep Seek. Have a nice day.

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