


Configure exchange 2010 to send emails to internet

Configure exchange 2010 to send emails to internet
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  1. 123spot4wealth says:

    i wish to know how to setup the dns so i can configure these setup on the current video and ill be able to send mail to internet successfully

  2. Duwageumadusanka says:

    thanks , you are the my first exchange server teacher, thanks soo much

  3. quhan9 says:

    i am in and exchange server class, and this is the first time i really understand what i am doing, thank you very much!

  4. imsun says:

    Excellent and easy to understand.

  5. soze11997733 says:

    very well done trini brother…

  6. nowikowski22 says:


  7. ride4joy says:

    Thanks a mill, it’s very good :)

  8. RoyIlish says:

    Muchas gracias, con este video pudimos resolver el problema. Cuidate mucho amigo

  9. jonlewinson says:

    very helpful

  10. blackknight509 says:

    Good tutorials!

    my Dad is also from Trinidad & Tobago btw, lol

  11. konek2r says:

    Hi, Thanks for these vids Jeremy very helpful, as we are planning to migrate to Ex2010 at the same time cross domain implementation.

    quick question, what if a third party MTA like Postfix is already in place on our organization, where do I set the settings on exchange 2010 to forward all outgoing to postfix? is it still on the hub? or a still create a smarthost?

    Thanks and hope to hear from you.

  12. gamerzone3d says:

    Why did you remove @clearvista ‘s comment? i found it very helpfull , becasue untill then i didnt know about creating mx records – you should highlight that in your vids – it would be very helpfull.

  13. gamerzone3d says:

    @clearvista yes I noticed that, Id say he’s using exchange 2010 as his hub transport and maybe he’s using 2007 as his client access ? – anyway, re creating mx records how do that ? I have a purchased domain

  14. gamerzone3d says:

    Ive done all of your steps both send and receive connectors. but it still doesn’t work!! HELP

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