


1/24 Tegan & Sara – Back In Your Head @ Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA 2/01/13

THANK YOU everyone who sent donations to help me replace my camera that was killed at Winter Jam in Philly by flying beer; this is what you helped to purchas…


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  1. whenyoutryyourbest says:

    I wonder what Sara thinks about Tegan singing the “Oh’s” like in Closer.
    Love the videos Jamie ;D

  2. thismemegan says:

    the new camera is fabulous! Thank you for all these videos :)

  3. pillsnotbills says:

    Yes, but Tegan seems to be taking over Sara’s song!

  4. ainhoa2008 says:

    The shadows in the back look awesome!

  5. snapascrew says:

    lol when you panned over i thought it’s what you were thinking

  6. snapascrew says:

    1:23 “I wish i was down there” :P

  7. LoveMeLikeMusic7 says:

    Wow! Thank you again!

  8. whenyoutryyourbest says:

    That’s what I think. Cause if she didn’t like it, I guess she’d talk to her
    and stuff ;]

  9. wojo4hitz says:

    who said that??

  10. pillsnotbills says:

    Of the recent shows, this is the one I keep going back to, or rather Wojo’s
    recording of it. :) The sound is amazingly crisp..Those dandruffy people
    who somehow are in front of the barriers, whoever they are, are not
    blocking the view. We can see everything.

  11. wojo4hitz says:

    thank you and you’re welcome! :D

  12. wojo4hitz says:

    thank god!

  13. wojo4hitz says:

    haha it kind of bugs me, but i guess sara must be okay with it or tegan
    wouldn’t do it, i think! and thanks!

  14. Rayanne S says:

    I’m sooo happy you we’re at this show! I WAS TOO!! I had asked on your
    tumblr if you would be, but you hadn’t replied..and your twitter was
    indecisive if you were in LA xD I was praying I’d get good audio and visual
    records of my experience, and you were there!! thank you for the uploads,
    I’m veryyyy happy! :) )))

  15. Guitar Chick says:

    I really hope they don’t let the new fame get to them..cuz they talk alot
    less at concerts now. Plus Tegan is singing a Sara song here….wtf…I

  16. wojo4hitz says:

    Haha okay, I was, you got me… I could have been!

  17. mgkcancer says:

    How DARE you scroll down during a T+S song!!!!

  18. wojo4hitz says:

    Lol just this upload? ;) I’m so grateful everyone was so generous… I
    couldn’t have gotten another camera this fast without everyone. Glad you
    like the view… I felt so far away!!!

  19. Simple Piano Covers says:

    Sara’s voice is back! ;D

  20. Iron Girl says:

    I was waiting for this upload. Thank you Jamie, I’m glad that donations
    were big enough for the new camera. I’m liking the new perspective. :)

  21. Elle Ephant says:

    love the whole heartbeat thing :)

  22. yoitslourdes says:

    Cool! what row and section were you at?:)

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