


Help Our NYPD 9/11 Hero. DONATE NOW!

SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE www.wearechange.org Help Our NYPD 9/11 Hero. DONATE NOW! Please donate whatever you can to help our 911 NYPD Hero Kevin O’Connor. Give what you because can every little bit helps. Go to www.wearechange.org and DONATE NOW to the chip in under Kevin O’Conner. Kevin O’Connor is in 000 in debt due to medical expenses, as Americans it is our duty to help our hero’s in need. Kevin O’Connor sacrificed himself for this country on 9 not only being lied to about the air quality but now ignored by the government for assistance. We as the people of this country need to come forward and help any way we can, I ask you to donate whatever you can to help make a difference. If the government will ignore our 911 hero’s it is our job as Americans to not forget those who sacrificed all. Please on behalf of Kevin send this video to all congressmen and women and make them understand the importance of supporting HR3543. If your congressmen or women does not support the bill demand an explanation and email revolutionchl@yahoo.com the details for future action. Click here to see the summary text of The “James Zadroga 9/11 Health Compensation Act” Thank You, Luke Rudkowski
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Hasruto says:

    Really? sick in 2000? It’s really hard to keep your story straight when you are full of shit! I heard that the Fealgood Found. found out you are a scammer! You must fell really stupid watching this video crying like a bitch now, Keep living off the state! We love paying your way. Incidentally, how does one convert to wood heat from oil with no money. You are surely Magical! And why can’t your kids go to school, short bus doesn’t come your way? ugghh, I’m bored bye

  2. HerbalJah says:

    I say we seize the assets of The rothschild family and that will give us all the money back to the people that they have been stealing for centuries.

  3. Alan Clinton says:

    @BonesJuly have some respect you ignorant fool

  4. cartex12 says:

    if only emotions had the power to sway politicans, and those behind the scenes making big decisions. sadly they don’t. but for those of us with working hearts, this is a powerful method of opening eyes. and a great way that those of us getting walked on by the gov can be inspired to unite.

  5. 19drivenbyblood86 says:

    A definition of a hero is basically someone who helps another who is in need or in danger. He was sick from helping people on our biggest crisis and you people ridicule him for being sad and crying? Fuck You! WTF have you done to really help anyone?

  6. HardBodyNyC says:

    NYPD stop murdering and terrorizing the citizens of New York City and maybe people may be more helping and inclined to help an NYPD officer.

  7. Gromitdog1 says:

    O’Connor is not a sheep, its GOYIM, G O Y I M. lol, goys will be goys.

  8. Gromitdog1 says:

    phosgene gas? probably from the refrigerant combusting in the thermate.

  9. BeastlyGerman says:

    Ok maoist

  10. Dasmoov101 says:


    Sad sir’

    Thats courtesy respect and professionalism for ya’

    Thats why i just took computer classes.. no law enforcement or military for me.. can’t trust em when your all amputated and what not.. or wheelchair bound..

    NYPD and NYFD Pension sounds appropriate to me.. and EMT and Port authority.. and the stock exchange.. it’s fcked for everyone i guess.. lucky me.. was on evening shift that day or i would need a pension too!

    Good luck

  11. GRIMSTORMS says:

    Robshmoe, do you know who funds the NYPD? The public does you dipshit.

  12. SuzumiyaHaruhi0 says:


  13. TheGraceofChrist says:

    BeastlyGerman- I’m glad someone cares. Thanks.

  14. robshmoe says:

    Did I miss something? Where did he say he was ever part of the NYPD for 9/11? Just because he’s a “9/11 hero” doesn’t give him a right to bilk people. The “sarin gas” wasn’t from 9/11.  Doesn’t sound like ATV event was from 9/11. If he has a legitimate problem with his pension, take it up with NYPD, not the American public.

  15. Linda Ann Reynolds, Ed.S. says:

    How can the hell a hero of 911 is begging for financial assistance, when wastes of space who populate, suck our tax money, free food, free homes, free education, luxury prisons to house them? What is the real Truth of 911….we are those who know. I am ashamed and hold my head down….

  16. BeastlyGerman says:

    It doesn’t fucking matter, all those people who came together and helped on 9/11, and are now SICK , should be helped! What the fuck is the matter with you, Firemen, Policeman, everyone who helped, and are now very sick because of it, and cannot pay since they can’t go to work, should be fucking helped you fuck

  17. BeastlyGerman says:

    Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking sheep

  18. BeastlyGerman says:

    I teared up

  19. buceriasbo says:

    we are change are a jew group trying to do damage control for what there mossad did on 9-11

  20. tribecafilm says:

    Watch the moving documentary about FDNY Chaplain Mychal Judge whose heroism led to the loss of his life on 9/11. See the ENTIRE film about this man whose strength touched the world. Saint of 9/11.

    Youtube [dot] com/watch?v=MkAUpSljQw4

  21. marysez says:

    perhpas the loloconner has no heart. i am thinking there R those who do not and he very well could BE one.
    hmm, wonder if he’s related to evilgeorge?

  22. marysez says:

    wow i am amazed.

    it is Not right that mr. oconnor has to suffer so it is not Rgiht that showing his suffering is ridiculed mr.oconnorlol. u develope a nic to ridicule them them come to videos showing we the people and tell him he is a joke.
    i c shame

  23. deepwater1974 says:

    Maybe you should go move to Africa you piece of shit. Where was there government in Africa and else where when there people were dying. These people are asking for help from there own country…no one else. So fuck you. Let those countries worry about themselves and like I said. Move to Africa if you want to defend them..ASSHOLE!!!!!

  24. xilch17 says:


  25. b7160 says:

    You’re wrong. Twenty-three NYPD officers died that day. Not as many as FDNY of course, but don’t tell the friends and family of those 23 people that their loved ones aren’t as important as the FDNY and PAP personnel.

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