


A Real Life “Angel” in Queens, New York

**UPDATE** PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FOLLOW UP TO THIS AMAZING STORY: www.youtube.com I’ve interviewed thousands of people in my nearly 10 years of being a TV News Reporter and I can truly say that Jorge Munoz, is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. He’s a school bus driver by day and Angel by night. Please take a moment to visit his website and make a donation after viewing this story so he can continue his mission: www.anangelinqueens.org AND Please don’t forget to make a small donation to www.GoInspireGo.com – (GIG) Please donate , or how ever much you can, so we can continue to do stories, like this one, that inspire the world to take action! And please forward this video to everyone you know via email, facebook, etc.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. antidoteco says:

    inspiring ! you can always tell the size of a person by how they treat the little people in life- and this man is a giant !

  2. MsTarocchi says:

    What a star!

  3. ToanLamTV says:

    @fj9fl61 I know, I was crying while interviewing him and editing this story!

  4. NYChick101 says:

    WOW!!! AMAZING … the world needs more awesome people like him and his family :) GOD BLESS YOU. PS: great interview :)

  5. DulceRainbow says:

    Where is this man? I want to help! What an awesome thing to do. It is SO rare to bump into people like that over here…or in general!

  6. fj9fl61 says:

    tears in my eyes….seriously.

  7. aronnuttall says:

    their is more people like him, us!x x x

  8. ngdj999 says:

    Omg he’s awesome.

  9. poip0i says:

    God bless you.. †

  10. Kanela1023 says:

    Que Dios lo bendiga a usted y a su familia, God bless you and your family….

  11. moonlord22 says:

    Giving is not really giving until it hurts you. This is a prime example of that and I commend him for that. If I had a hundred million dollars and gave 10,000 dollars away, in a sense, I gave away my trash. But if I had only 10 dollars, and I gave that whole 10 dollars, then it would mean much more to the person who received it. It sounds impractical, but hey I learned this from Mahatma Gandhi, so if you disagree, tell it to him ok?

  12. smallnutjob says:

    Real cool. But the guy needs to sleep, if everyone who watched this video donated £1 to Jorge he wouldn’t need to do so much work bus driving and could focus more on his rescue work and getting good sleeps. :)

  13. tripletsmom7 says:

    Jorge is a very lucky man because he seems happy and very proud of his life. Alot of people with a bazillion times more than he has can’t say the same. I just feel terrible now for coming home from work and complaining about being tired. Okay, I’m not going to do that anymore. God has clearly blessed Jorge with an amazing heart and spirit.

  14. tripletsmom7 says:

    Honestly, I clicked on this because I thought I was going to see an angel sighting caught on camera. But I’m really glad I saw this video. What an inspiration. This moved me to tears. I can’t believe he does this with what little free time and money he has. It shows me that with God and love and respect for other human beings, the most amazing things are possible.

  15. angeleyez0092 says:

    absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. creativekg says:

    God bless this man to the fullest for what he’s doing.

  17. parker1r says:

    why does it say real angel in title-is it suposed to mean he is an angel? Anyway, this man is doing good things and god is definately happy with him. god bless you

  18. adrianaveliz says:

    Wow!! this is the kind of news I want to see in the morning.

  19. blueagle165 says:


  20. OTKP says:

    God Bless Him!

  21. kirter23 says:

    wow, I can’t believe he does that! He’s amazing!

  22. dipmuthafukinset says:

    wow, thats amazing. god bless you guy.

  23. flyseventeenthirtytw says:

    He really is a real life angel

  24. AlvaradoProduction90 says:

    God bless him. God has his reward in heaven for him. Jorge, God will supply everything for you. Big heart!

  25. morenomoor says:

    Que la paz este con usted y su familia oiga hermano como Jorge espero que usted y su familia se en ecuentren bien de salud , sabe me gustaria contactarle para darle un bonito mensage personalmente o por el correo electronico..

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