


2010Google Politico Entire

Google and Politico bring together some of politics’ most creative minds to duscss what innovation and democracy might mean in 2010.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. rubixstetris says:

    good video here wow awesome indeed

  2. iwatcher69 says:

    Oh mien Gut!!!! that is clear as fuch

  3. falsehopehero says:

    Ron Paul 2012!!!

  4. chocolatediet11 says:

    Nice videos this you tube world just gets bigger every day! When you have time come visit my channel!

  5. santinasiford05 says:

    dude, these are hilarious!! saw this in webmovietube

  6. ThunderheadNebula says:

    I’m probably more educated than you are.
    Why don’t you GOOGLE “Politico is the same organization that wants Obama to rule by Executive Order” and start reading.

  7. nilbud says:

    Obama is a joke one termer. The Democrats should be identifying his replacement because he’s a worthless fucking clown and a pathetic weak stooge of the corporations. That meathead was bang on the money when he said “You lie”.
    Dean 2012

  8. nilbud says:

    @ThunderheadNebula No it isn’t you tedious uneducated boring drone. Go outside and take some pictures of chem trails you easily led cowardly dunce.

  9. nilbud says:

    @im18biatches You’ve confused mediocrity with democracy. PS You’re 23 isn’t it time you actually did something.

  10. YouJussGotCurbed says:

    did anyone actually watch this hole video if they did i will give u a cookie

  11. im18biatches says:

    who has so much time to waste to listen to this guy talking about politics which cant be changed. we already know how it should be, but it isnt, and it wont. and why are you allowed to upload a 163 minute long video when others arent. that aint democracy either..im just sayin.
    Im not sayin that what hes sayin is wrong. But its pointless. Big industries, companies, share holders, all kind of mighty people will keep the politics like they are. Not only in america or any other countries. Everywhere

  12. ThunderheadNebula says:

    Politico is the same organization that wants Obama to rule by Executive Order bypassing the Senate.

  13. poolmotorrepairguyFL says:

    uh aa au u u uh and..uh a are wait give me a minute to make up the truth, my god man

  14. vuurwerkreeshof says:

    Hey Guys type “Gift” before YOUTUBE

  15. faerydhhlo says:

    REAL Free energy technology exists!But the Big corporations spend millions to ensure that information does not spread to the masses,Get the blueprints for a real Magnet motor free enegy machine at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,take part in the revolution!

  16. johnnycodpro says:

    i saw the whole thing finaly since 6:00

  17. CvfdreMnbgvcc says:

    Great Russian women for you ** leefoxnow.info **

  18. HalsyKorsman18953 says:

    You can download the audio-mp3 of this track at grabyouraudio doht cohm.

  19. miltobraya says:

    Date an Asian lady #lushfmlk.info#

  20. blues970123 says:

    the people watching this in its entirety have more intellect than 70% of the people on here.

  21. frvfilms says:


  22. thrummer1953 says:

    Peas porridge Hot

  23. ananiasacts says:

    I think governments are obsolete. What we need is a meta-government: a new web technology designed to make our political capital more tangible. We need the infrastructure that can knit us together organically to focus and harvest our collective acumen into a political agenda that all governments merely implement. I think the place to begin is with an open source platform designed for local governments to foster the development and testing of new civic technologies. Let the neurogenesis begin!

  24. dangerousdave102 says:

    holy shit 2hours 45 mins long

  25. leighharrison says:

    did you hear that baby laughing at 31:35?

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