


The 700 Club – August 24, 2011 – CBN.com

Signs of the Times week continues on The 700 Club with another Pat Robertson Teaching on Matthew 24, and the story of Tara Mitchell’s decision to ride out a storm in a fast food restaurant, only to be in the path of a direct hit… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5


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  1. thechangeling613 says:

    I am no atheist. In fact, I KNOW I have been chosen by the Almighty to abscond the dirty little jew from his self-indicated throne of superiority. In fact, the Almighty has instructed me to allow the guiding principles of Ethos and Mores to be the determining factor of my Earthly observations, not some old or new “testament.” I have therefore concluded, that even though less than 3% of the United States population, Zionism is tantamount to terrorism, as peanut butter is to jelly.

  2. thechangeling613 says:

    You wrote “the essence of Zionism is that God has appointed Isis rah EL for the jews.” Did your God also instruct them to blow up the Twin Towers, send a few missiles into the USS Liberty, blow up the King David Hotel, and suck the blood from mutilated baby boy penis? My God precludes your JewDago religion to be a cult of Pedo-Satanic Talmudists hell-bent on destroying this world.


    There is no prophecy. the crust of the earth i sitting on fluid & always changing. Change, earthquakes & hurricanes are NATURAL disasters. NATURAL is what they are. That is how earth was formed and that is how it will go away.

  4. sungmee45 says:

    or gong against his moral principles. America will be judge for abandoning the truth and walking away from him. Time is getting really short and many will see who they have rejected when it is too late, when they land sheol or gehenna, dark pit of hell..He is coming!…He won’t delay

  5. sungmee45 says:

    He desire no one to perish, not one. But, he gave man free will and he honors that. Satan can deceive well, if one choice to listen to his lies. Jesus came to set man free and pardon their sin, so they can have eternal life. Why? In a world does man desire to reject that, i will never understand. He love those individual every much, but he will judge those kill unborn. Bible is only book that held out more then any other book in the history, I would rethink before killing another unborn.

  6. sungmee45 says:

    You can keep your logic, since you don’t have heart. Jesus Christ is about personal relationship with individuals and this has nothing to do with religion. One can wake up any day to make a new religion, relationship is only once in a life time with your creator. He gave you free will, either you choice him or Satan. At the end all man has to stand before him, why wait until then to find out the truth. Without faith you will never know him.

  7. sgtcojonez says:

    Says the book (Bible) that has been created by men that say that the words they wrote down on it came from God; so under the same logic I can create a religion that establishes me and all of my descendants as owners of the universe, and eventually people will assume is true because of their faith.

  8. 357MagnumBob says:

    Logic Fallacy: Straw man argument. Did I say the Jews were MORE special? He has given CHINA to the CHINESE, HAITI to the HAITIANS (etc etc) and ISRAEL to the JEWS. The ESSENCE OF ZIONISM is that God has appointed Israel for the Jews. This does not give Russia, China, Brazil or any other country to the Jews. The Jews are not MORE FAVORED, they are just appointed to THAT PLACE ON THE MAP. Acts 17:26. God has firmly decided this, so it behooves us to let the decision stand.

  9. 357MagnumBob says:

    Jesus laid down his life; he came to die. This is made clear in many texts in both the old and new testaments.  He CHOSE to die by the hand of the Jewish priesthood, the same group who had been sacrificing lambs to God for many centuries.

    JESUS HIMSELF implored God, on the cross, to forgive the Jews for their sin, saying, “forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Should I then heap an accusation against the very group Jesus asked God to forgive? Again, not a wise plan.

  10. Broyale26 says:

    But didn’t the jews kill Jesus?

  11. sgtcojonez says:

    I grew up learning that God has infinite love for everyone. The fact that people argue that israelis are special or chosen it just contradicts everything that we keep saying about him. We are all have the same worth, and we all have the same God given right to liberty and the pursue of happiness; regardless of nationality or creed.

  12. 357MagnumBob says:

    WHY do people complain about Zionism? God is a Zionist. Read the book. He isn’t in favor of the unbelief of the descendants of Abraham, or of their national sins (more abortions per capita than nearly anyone else, do not recognize Messiah); God disapproves of this in anyone. BUT, God absolutely solemnly pledged this land to the descendants of Israel. Anyone opposing this eventualiy is getting in God’s way. I am no Jew, but know better than to oppose the Almighty, which is not a wise plan.

  13. ForYourArseOnly says:

    pat robertson is a pro-zionist fake. the zionists reward him well because he’s a puppet, a pathetic one at that

  14. Myglowplug says:

    The Earth is our Mother , The Lord Is the Father , mother is cleaning house ,because Father is coming Home .

  15. Tammy Petry says:

    As a Virginian, I do not claim Pat Robertson as a resident. Let’s ship him to Arkansas LOL.

  16. fam711 says:


  17. stdoomsayer says:

    @24:44 He basically says (new world order) this phrase is used by antichrist minions very often, Pat should have just said the kingdom of Christ, but he didn’t…

  18. stdoomsayer says:

    @15:11 The cancer commercial, Check out watch?v=Be1ihuZNg84 for info about incurable cancers being (cured) let others know about this info.

  19. jcherise1 says:

    U thought it was the holy spirit? Really? Smh.

  20. thebluecookies12 says:

    I am christian so a rapture would happen and no one knows the day. And the world already ended

  21. mskitty2521 says:

    VERY INFORMATIVE & signs of the times is very awakening!!!!! VERY AWAKENING. I do believe Jesus is coming back soon. You can choose to put it out of mind, but HE is coming. Iit is indeed time to start preparing in EVERY way.

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